Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Alathur, Chennai – Antibiotic (Cephalosporin) API

Our API manufacturing plant located at Alathur, south of Chennai is one of the largest integrated antibiotic manufacturing complexes in India and specialises in the manufacture of cephalosporin active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Set in a large industrial estate, the complex is a massive, state-of-the-art, most modern manufacturing complex that produces a wide range of cephalosporin bulk activities spread across different generations of cephalosporin bulk actives. Its world-class crystallisation and lyophillisation facilities have not only provided a global competitive edge, but have also helped achieve manufacturing excellence and differentiation.

With a capability to handle highly complex and hazardous reactions with utmost safety and efficiency, the plant’s operations are backed by a full spectrum of utilities including a captive power generation plant, high technology solvent recovery facilities, sophisticated quality control equipment and a 'zero-discharge' environment friendly effluent treatment plant. Our manufacturing complex has been successfully audited and approved time and again by leading global regulatory agencies like the US FDA, UK MHRA, GMP, EDQM, TGA (Australian), Danish Medicines Agency, in addition to several quality, environment and safety management recognition.
